Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Schroeder | Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
A 307
Postfach 3251
65022 Wiesbaden
Am Brückweg 26
65428 Rüsselsheim
nach Vereinbarung
1972-1978 | Berufsausbildung zum Starkstromelektriker und Berufstätigkeit |
1978-1986 | Studium der Elektrotechnik, Fachrichtung Nachrichtentechnik an der Universität-Gesamthochschule Duisburg |
1986-1993 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachgebiet Allgemeine und Theoretische Elektrotechnik an der Universität Duisburg |
1993 | Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. mit einer Dissertation auf dem Gebiet der numerischen Verfahren der elektromagnetischen Feldtheorie |
1993-1999 |
1999-2001 | Infineon Technologies AG Geschaftsbereich Security and Chip Card ICs, München
2001-2005 | Siemens AG, Geschäftbereich Information and Communication Mobile, Abteilung "Technology and Innovations", Bocholt
2005-2006 | BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG
2007-2008 | Technischer Leiter der mimoOn GmbH, Duisburg |
seit 02/2008 | Professur für Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit an der Hochschule RheinMain |
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI)
- VDE Verband Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik
Weitere Informationen
- Elsbrock J, Schroeder W and Kubalek E (1985), "Evaluation of three-dimensional micromagnetic stray fields by means of electron-beam tomography", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics., September, 1985. Vol. 21(5), pp. 1593-1595.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1989), "A New Hybrid Mode Boundary Integral Method for Analysis of MMIC Waveguides with Complicated Cross-section", In 1989 IEEE MTT-S Internat. Microwave Symp. Digest. Long Beach, June, 1989. , pp. 711-714.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1990), "Full Wave Boundary Integral Analysis of Integrated Transmission Lines: Origin and Avoidance of Spurious Solutions", In Proceedings of the 20th European Microwave Conference. Budapest, September, 1990. Vol. 1, pp. 829-834.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1991), "Full-Wave Loss Analysis of Normal- and Superconducting Transmission Lines by Hybrid-Mode Boundary Integral Equation Method", In 1991 IEEE MTT-S Internat. Microwave Symp. Digest. Boston, June, 1991. , pp. 341-344.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1992), "A Hybrid-Mode Boundary Integral Equation Method for Normal- and Superconducting Transmission Lines of Arbitrary Cross-Section", Int. J. Microwave and Millimeter-Wave CAE., October, 1992. Vol. 2(4), pp. 314-330.
- Schroeder W, Nevermann P and Wolff I (1993), "Monte-Carlo-Ergebnisse für die dotierungs- und temperaturabhängigen Transportparameter von GaAs und InP und ihre Beschreibung mit Hilfe globaler Approximationsfunktionen", In MIOP '93 Conference Proceedings. Sindelfingen, May, 1993. , pp. 91-95.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1993), "Frequency dependence of large signal velocity--field relation in GaAs by Monte--Carlo simulation", In Proceedings of the 23rd European Microwave Conference. Madrid, September, 1993. , pp. 592-595.
- Schroeder W (1993), "Ein Randintegralverfahren zur quasi--statischen und elektromagnetischen Analyse allgemeiner längshomogener Wellenleiterstrukturen". Thesis at: Fachbereich Elektrotechnik der Universität--Gesamthochschule--Duisburg. Duisburg, March, 1993.
- Schroeder W, Borkes J, Bertenburg R and Wolff I (1994), "Boundary--Integral Equation Analysis of a Novel Monolithic CPW/TFMS 3-dB Quadrature Hybrid", In 1994 IEEE MTT-S Internat. Microwave Symp. Digest. San~Diego, May, 1994. , pp. 871-874.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1994), "General Explanation of the Spurious Mode Phenomenon in MoM Solutions of EM Field Eigenvalue Problems", In 1994 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium Abstracts. Noordwijk, July, 1994. , pp. 9.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1994), "The Origin of Spurious Modes in Numerical Solutions of Electromagnetic Field Eigenvalue Problems", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Techniques., April, 1994. Vol. 42(4), pp. 644-653.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1994), "On the incompleteness of integral equation formulations for electromagnetic field computations", In Proceedings of the 24th European Microwave Conference. Cannes, September, 1994. Vol. 1, pp. 567-572.
- David G, Schroeder W, Jäger D and Wolff I (1995), "2D Electro--Optic Probing Combined with Field Theory Based Multimode Wave Amplitude Extraction: A New Approach to On-Wafer Measurement", In 1995 IEEE MTT-S Internat. Microwave Symposium Digest. Orlando, May, 1995. Vol. 3, pp. 1049-1052.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1995), "Specification of Function Spaces and Regularization Concepts for Stable Solution of EM Field Eigenvalue Problems", In Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS. Seattle, Washington, July, 1995.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1995), "Full--Wave Analysis of the Influence of Conductor Shape and Structure Details on Losses in Coplanar Waveguide", In 1995 IEEE MTT-S Internat. Microwave Symposium Digest. Orlando, Florida, May, 1995. Vol. 3, pp. 1273-1276.
- Schroeder W (1995), "Boundary Integral Equation Analysis of Circular Ridged Waveguide and its Transition to Circular Waveguide for Multimode Network Representation", In ESA Workshop on Advanced CAD for Microwave Filters and Passive Devices Proceedings. Noordwijk, The Netherlands, November, 1995. , pp. 17-23.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1995), "Monte-Carlo Study of High--Frequency, Large--Signal Transport Parameters for Physics Based Device Simulation", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices., May, 1995. Vol. 42(5), pp. 819-827.
- Janssen G, Prost W, Reuter R, Auer U, Schroeder W and Tegude FJ (1996), "Modelling the Potential of Novel 3-D Integrated RTD/HFET Frequency Multiplier Circuits", In International Workshop on Millimeterwaves. Orvieto, Italy, April, 1996.
- Schroeder W and Guglielmi M (1996), "Boundary Integral Equation Approach to Multi-Mode Y-Matrix Characterization of Multi-Ridged Sections in Circular Waveguide", In 1996 IEEE MTT-S Internat. Microwave Symposium Digest. San Francisco, CA, June, 1996. , pp. 1849-1852.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1996), "A Separation of Variables / Boundary Integral Equation Approach for a Wide Class of Waveguide / Cavity Problems", In Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium . Innsbruck, Austria, July, 1996. , pp. 409.
- Schroeder W (1996), "Boundary Integral Equation Analysis of Circular Ridged Waveguide and its Transition to Circular Waveguide for Multimode Network Representation", December, 1996.
- Schroeder W, Prost W and Wolff I (1997), "Full Wave BIE Analysis of Travelling Waves in Unbiased / Velocity Saturated FET Structures With Linearly Controlled Current Density", In 1997 IEEE MTT-S Internat. Microwave Symp. Digest. Denver, CO, June, 1997. , pp. 159-162.
- Schroeder W and Guglielmi M (1998), "A Contour-Based Approach to the Multimode Network Representation of Waveguide Transitions", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Techniques. Vol. 46(4), pp. 411-419.
- Dittrich R and Schroeder W (1999), "Empirical pseudopotential bandstructure of In$_0.53$Ga$_0.47$As and In$_0.52$Al$_0.48$As", Solid--State Electronics., November, 1999. Vol. 43(2), pp. 403-407.
- Schroeder W and Wolff I (1999), "A reliable and efficient numerical method for indirect eigenvalue problems arising in waveguide and resonator analysis", Int. J. Numer. Model.: Electr. Networks, Devices and Fields. Vol. 12, pp. 197-208.
- Huang L, Schroeder WL and Russer P (2005), "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Adaptive Antenna Impedance Matching for Multiband Mobile Phone Applications", In IEE Conference on Wideband and Multi-band Antennas and Arrays. Birmingham, UK, September, 2005. , pp. 13-17. IEE.
- Rennings A, Vesterling M, Pimpertz A, Schroeder W, Leitner M and Waldow P (2005), "A Highly Decoupled Dual Antenna Rx/Tx Arrangement Based on LTCC Modules", In Proc. German Microwave Conference -- GeMiC 2005. Ulm, April, 2005. (118)
- Schroeder WL and Gapski D (2005), "Direct Calorimetric Measurement of Small Antenna Radiation Efficiency", In Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp. Digest. Washington, DC, July, 2005. (P57.3) IEEE.
- Schroeder WL, Tamgue~Famdie C and Solbach K (2005), "Utilisation and Tuning of the Chassis Modes of a Handheld Terminal for the Design of Multiband Radiation Characteristics", In IEE Conference on Wideband and Multi-band Antennas and Arrays. Birmingham, UK, September, 2005.
- Huang L, Schroeder WL and Russer P (2006), "Estimation of Maximum Attainable Antenna Bandwidth in Electrically Small Mobile Terminals", In Proc. 36th European Microwave Conference. Manchester, September, 2006. , pp. 630-633.
- Schroeder WL, Acuña~Vila A and Thome C (2006), "Extremely Small, Wide-band Mobile Phone Antennas by Inductive Chassis Mode Coupling", In Proc. 36th European Microwave Conference. Manchester , pp. 1702-1705.
- Schroeder WL, Schmitz P and Thome C (2006), "Miniaturization of Mobile Phone Antennas by Utilization of Chassis Mode Resonances", In Proc. German Microwave Conference -- GeMiC 2006. Karlsruhe (7b-3)
- Schroeder WL and Gapski D (2006), "Direct Measurement of Small Antenna Radiation Efficiency by Calorimetric Method", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation., September, 2006. Vol. 54(9), pp. 2646-2656.
- Tamgue~Famdie C, Schroeder WL and Solbach K (2006), "Numerical Analysis of Characteristic Modes on the Chassis of Mobile Phones", In Proc. 1st European Conference on Antennas and Propagation -- EuCAP 2006. Nice, November, 2006. (345145)
- Chaudhury SK, Schroeder WL and Chaloupka HJ (2007), "MIMO antenna system based on orthogonality of the characteristic modes of a mobile device", In 2nd International ITG Conference on Antennas (INICA 2007). Munich, March, 2007. , pp. 58-62.
- Chaudhury SK, Schroeder WL and Chaloupka HJ (2007), "MULTIPLE ANTENNA CONCEPT BASED ON CHARACTERISTIC MODES OF MOBILE PHONE CHASSIS", In The Second European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) . Edinburgh, UK, November, 2007.
- Famdie CT, Schroeder WL and Solbach K (2007), "Optimal Antenna Location on Mobile Phones Chassis Based on the Numerical Analysis of Characteristic Modes", In 10th European Conference on Wireless Technology. Munich, October, 2007. , pp. 987-990.
- Huang L, Schroeder WL and Russer P (2007), "Co-existence of an Electronically Tunable DVB-H Antenna with the GSM Transmitter in a Mobile Phone", In IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. Honolulu, June, 2007. , pp. 255-258.
- Feng Y and Schroeder WL (2009), "Discussion of Low-effort MIMO OTA Testing Approaches & Suggested Applicable FOM ", In COST 2100, 9th MCM. Vienna, Austria, September, 2009.
- Feng Y and Schroeder WL (2009), "Extending the Definition of Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS) and Total Radiated Power (TRP) for application to MIMO Over-the-Air (OTA) testing", In COST 2100, 8th MCM. Valencia, Spain, May, 2009.
- Schroeder WL, Feng Y and Pesavento M (2009), "Discussion of some options and aspects in Over-The-Air (OTA) testing of Multiple Input -- Multiple Output (MIMO) User Equipment (UE)", In COST 2100, 7th MCM. Braunschweig, February, 2009.
- Schroeder WL and Feng Y (2009), "Proposal for a built-in MIMO test function for E-UTRA User Equipment and its application", In COST 2100, 8th MCM. Valencia, Spain, May, 2009.
- Feng Y, Jonas J, Schroeder WL, Acharkaoui R and Rumney M (2010), "COST2100 MIMO OTA Round Robin Measurement Campaign -- First results & Conclusions", In 3GPP TSG-RAN WG4. Xi'an, China, October, 2010.
- Feng Y, Jonas J, Schroeder WL, Acharkaoui R and Rumney M (2010), "Results from the COST2100 SWG 2.2 MIMO OTA Round Robin Measurement Campaign", In COST 2100, 12th MCM. Bologna, Italy, November, 2010.
- Feng Y, Krewski A and Schroeder WL (2010), "Simulation based comparison of metrics and measurement methodologies for OTA test of MIMO terminals", In Proc. 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation -- EuCAP 2010. Barcelona, Spain, April, 2010.
- Feng Y, Krewski A and Schroeder WL (2010), "Towards a simulation tool for comparison of MIMO OTA measurement methods and metrics", In COST 2100, 10th MCM. Athens, Greece, February, 2010.
- Feng Y and Schroeder WL (2010), "Step towards Theoretical Analysis and Comparison of MIMO Antenna Metrics", In COST 2100, 11th MCM. Aalborg, Denmark, June, 2010.
- Krewski A and Schroeder WL (2010), "Equivalent Circuit Model for Closely Coupled Symmetrical Two-Port MIMO Antennas in Small Volume", In Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp. Digest. Toronto, CA, July, 2010.
- Schroeder WL and Krewski A (2010), "Total Multi-Port Return Loss as Figure of Merit for MIMO Antenna Systems", In 40th European Microwave Conference. Paris, September, 2010.
- Böhler E, von Gagern C, Tankielun A, Feng Y and Schroeder W (2011), "MEASUREMENTS OF OVER-THE-AIR PERFORMANCE OF MIMO UE", In 33rd Annual Symposium of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA 2011). Englewood, Colorado, October, 2011.
- Feng Y, Jonas J and Schroeder WL (2011), "Discussion of Statistical Metrics for MIMO OTA Performance Based on Empirical Results ", In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2011). Rome, Italy, April, 2011.
- Feng Y, Schroeder WL, von Gagern C, Tankielun A, Acharkaoui R and Richter W (2011), "Test Plan for DL 2 x 2 MIMO OTA Testing - Part I: Concepts for straightforward characterization measurements and statistical metrics", In COST IC 1004 Scientific Meeting. Lund, Sweden, June, 2011.
- Feng Y, Schroeder WL, Acharkaoui R, Richter W, Tankielun A and von Gagern C (2011), "Straightforward MIMO OTA Characterization and Statistical Metrics: Applied to LTE devices", In COST IC 1004 Scientific Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal, October, 2011.
- von Gagern C, Tankielun A, Feng Y, Schroeder WL, Acharkaoui R and Richter W (2011), "Test Plan for DL 2 x 2 MIMO OTA Testing - Part II: Test Plan Description and Examples", In COST IC 1004 Scientific Meeting. Lund, Sweden, June, 2011.
- Krewski A, Schroeder WL and Solbach K (2011), "Bandwidth Limitations and Optimum Low-Band LTE MIMO Antenna Placement in Mobile Terminals Using Modal Analysis ", In 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2011). Rome, Italy, April, 2011.
- Krewski A, Schroeder WL and Solbach K (2011), "Matching Network Synthesis for Mobile MIMO Antennas Based on Minimization of the Total Multi-Port Return Loss", In Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC 2011). Loughborough, UK, November, 2011.
- Schroeder WL and Feng Y (2011), "A Critical Review of MIMO OTA Test Concepts - Lessons learned from Actual Measurements", In XXX General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International. Istanbul, Turkey, August, 2011. (CA.3)
- Feng Y, Schroeder WL and Kaiser T (2012), "Straightforward MIMO OTA Characterization and Statistical Metrics for LTE Devices", In 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2012). Prague, Czech Republic, March, 2012.
- Feng Y, Schroeder WL, von Gagern C, Tankielun A and Kaiser T (2012), "Metrics and Methods for Evaluation of Over-the-Air Performance of MIMO User Equipment", International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 2012(ID 598620)
- Krewski A, Schroeder WL and Solbach K (2012), "MIMO LTE Antenna Design for Laptops Based on Theory of Characteristic Modes", In 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2012). Prague, Czech Republic, March, 2012.
- Krewski A, Schroeder WL and Solbach K (2012), "Multi-band 2-port MIMO LTE Antenna Design for Laptops Using Characteristic Modes", In Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC 2012). Loughborough, UK, November, 2012.
- Krewski A and Schroeder WL (2012), "N-port DL-MIMO Antenna System Realization Using Systematically Designed Mode Matching and Mode Decomposition Network", In European Microwave Conference 2012). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October, 2012.
- Pedersen GF, Pelosi M, Welinder J, Jamsa T, Yamamoto A, Nurkkala M, Ling SL, Schroeder W and Brown T (2012), "Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications -- COST Action 2100" London , pp. 197-247. Springer-Verlag.
- Bouezzeddine M, Krewski A and Schroeder WL (2013), "A Concept Study on MIMO Antenna Systems for Small Size CPE Operating in the TV White Spaces", In COST IC1004, 7th MCM. Ilmenau, Germany, May, 2013.
- Krewski A, Schroeder WL and Solbach K (2013), "Multi-band 2-port MIMO Antenna Design for LTE-enabled 13'' Monocoque Laptop", In Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp. Digest. Orlando, FL, July, 2013.
- Krewski A and Schroeder WL (2013), "Electrically Tunable Mode Decomposition Network for 2-port MIMO Antennas", In Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC 2013). Loughborough, UK, November, 2013.
- Krewski A, Schroeder WL and Solbach K (2013), "2-Port DL-MIMO Antenna Design for LTE-Enabled USB Dongles", IEEE Antennas Wireless Propagation Letters. Vol. 12, pp. 1436-1439.
- Krewski A, Schroeder WL and Solbach K (2013), "Upper Bound on Pattern Correlation of Lossy N-port Antennas in Terms of Modal Efficiencies", In 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013). Gothenburg, Sweden, April, 2013.
- Krewski A and Schroeder WL (2013), "Tight Upper Bound on Radiation Pattern Correlation for N-port MIMO Antennas", Electronics Letters., November, 2013. Vol. 49(23), pp. 1427-1428.
- Schroeder WL, Tankielun A, Feng Y and von Gagern C (2013), "Characterization of UE Antenna Systems by Means the Two-Antenna MIMO OTA Measurement Method", In COST IC1004, 6th MCM. Malaga, Spain, February, 2013.
- Bouezzeddine M and Schroeder WL (2014), "On the Design of Wideband Matching and Decoupling Networks for N-port Antennas", In European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014). The Hague, The Netherlands, April, 2014.
- Bouezzeddine M and Schroeder WL (2014), "Parametric Study on Capacitive and Inductive Couplers for Exciting Characteristic Modes on CPE", In European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014). The Hague, The Netherlands, April, 2014.
- Bouezzeddine M, Schroeder WL and Kaiser T (2014), "On the Design of MIMO Antennas for Cognitive Radio Systems", In 1st IEEE International Workshop on Cognitive Cellular Systems. Rhine River, September, 2014.
- Krewski A and Schroeder WL (2014), "Electrically Switchable Multi-Port Matching Network for 2-Port MIMO Antennas", In European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014). The Hague, The Netherlands, April, 2014.
- Krewski A and Schroeder WL (2014), "General Application of Characteristic Mode Equivalent Circuit Models in Antenna Design", In Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp. Digest. Memphis, Tennesse, July, 2014.
- Schroeder WL, Bouezzeddine M and Krewski A (2014), "Design Approaches for Electrically Small MIMO Antenna Systems on Mobile Devices", In Int. Conf. on Electromagnetics in Advanced Appl. / IEEE-APS Topical Conf. on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (ICEAA / APWC). Palm Beach, Aruba, August, 2014.
- Bouezzeddine M and Schroeder WL (2015), "Wideband Decoupling and Tunable Matching Networks for Multi-Port Antennas", In 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagations (EuCAP 2015). Lisbon, Portugal, April, 2015.
- Bouezzeddine M and Schroeder WL (2016), "Systematic Approach for Electrically Tuning N-port Antenna System Based on Characteristic Modes", In European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2016). Davos, April, 2016.
- Bouezzeddine M and Schroeder WL (2016), "Design of a Wideband, Tunable 4-port MIMO Antenna System with High Isolation Based on the Theory of Characteristic Modes", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 64(7), pp. 2679-2688
- Bouezzeddine M and Schroeder WL (2016), "Measurement of a 4-port MIMO Antenna System", In IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO). Réunion Island, October, 2016.
- Bouezzeddine M and Schroeder WL (2016), "Wideband 8-port Decoupling Network Based on 180^circ Hybrid Couplers", In IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO). Réunion Island, October, 2016.