EU Capacity Building Project AngoSAP

More news about the project can be found at latest News at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences
Current Projects, Experiences, "English for Staff", "Global Social Work - Approaches to Post-Colonial and Indigenous Social Work" and " "Peculiarities of Social Work in Ukraine under Conditions of Military Actions"
As part of the event "Internationalization at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences", members of the faculty were able to enjoy exciting presentations on a wide range of internationalization topics on 23 April 2024. These included an insight into the plans for the upcoming Summer School in Malta, the Winter School in Cape Town and an update on the "Studium International" certificate by Prof. Dr. Michael Klassen and Prof. Dr. Gunnar Lang, impulses on language coaching by Dr. Charla Schutte, current inspiring experiences in Ireland by Prof. Dr. Kerstin Herzog, information on the establishment of psychosocial counselling centers in Luanda (Angola) as part of the AngoSAP project by Claudia Preißer and two lectures by international guests at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences: Prof. Dr. Ndangwa Noyoo (Director of the Southern African Policy and Development Nexus, Cape Town) with a guest lecture on "Global Social Work - Approaches of Post Colonial and Indigenous Social Work" and Dr. Yaroslav Slutskyi (winner of the best dissertation in the social sciences in Ukraine, HessenFonds scholarship holder and colleague in the Hessen-Ukraine bridging program) with a report on "Peculiarities of Social Work in Ukraine under Conditions of Military Actions".
In addition to his guest lecture, Prof. Dr. Ndangwa Noyoo will enrich the faculty with English-language teaching during his visit in the "Project: Innovative Practice Development and Research" on April 26/27, 2024. Ndangwa Noyoo's teaching and research focuses on, among other things, practice-, research- and evidence-based decision making and approaches to how these can be innovative ways to implement development projects in the Global South, using regions in Africa and South Africa for case studies. Furthermore, he is interested in deepening the discourse around development theory constructs and subsequently focusing more on concrete practice.
It was a great pleasure to get in contact and to get inspired.
If you are interested in learning more about this, please do not hesitate to contact international-sw(at).
Vámonos – Vamos lá – Kick-Off Meeting (March 2024)
Capacity-Building Psychosocial Counseling Centers “AngoSAP” in Luanda, Angola

Last week, after a successful online project application phase, a meeting was held to finalize planning the EU-funded capacity building project "AngoSAP", all the representatives involved in the project as of the Universidad Namibe, the Universidad de Cádiz, the Universidad Lueij A'Nkonde, the Institución Universitaria de Angola, the Escuela Superior Pedagógica de Bié and RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) between March 4th - March 10th 2024 met on site at the host Universidade Óscar Ribas in Luanda. Tailored work packages were reflected upon, adapted and concretized in order to now implement sustainable psychological and psychoeducational structures in various regions of Angola. The target group are all members of the respective university communities, i.e. students, professors and staff.
Thanks to the outstanding host Universidade Óscar Ribas (UÓR), the excellent project management by the Universidad de Cádiz and the valuable contributions of all project partners, together we were able to take a successful step towards the start of the next phase of the project.
The International SW team of the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences at RUAS is delighted to have been involved and looks forward with confidence to further cooperation in the AngoSAP project.
If you have any questions or are interested, simply contact international-sw(at)
German-Finnish Exchange at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences: A Week Filled with Comparisons
(led by Sandra Holtgreve)
"And what is it like for you?" - This question can trigger very different reactions where people from different countries and places around the world come together. The participants in the course “Global Social Work: A Finnish-‘German Encounter” were inspired by this observation to take a closer look at comparisons and the underlying practices of comparison in social work. The course was the result of a cooperation between RheinMain University of Applied Sciences and Savonia University in Finland and took place in Wiesbaden from November 6-10, 2023. It was organized in equal parts by lecturers from Kuopio and Wiesbaden. A mixed program of keynote speeches and workshops of Finnish and German teaching offered the twelve-member group space to discuss similarities and differences in welfare states and their handling of social problems and to reclassify any preconceptions about social systems, social work and everyday life in both countries.
Three visits to practice institutions (EVIM Reha-Werkstatt, Campus Kindergarten, Mission Leben - Psychosoziale Beratungsstelle) provided an insight into different fields of practice. The conclusion of many participants: They learned a lot and had a lot of fun.
Find more impressions here. Feel welcome to take a look at the report on the website of Savonia University of Savonia University of Applied Sciences
The Faculty of Applied Social Sciences promotes international exchange through a variety of international activities. Visit the links below to find out more about the international activities of our faculty members and visiting scholars and staff:
International activities of our faculty members
International visiting scholars and staff at the faculty
International Summer Schools
International cooperations
The Faculty of Applied Social Sciences maintains cooperations and partnerships with faculties from around the world. For an overview of all international partner universities of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, see the list sorted by countries and faculties.
Welcome to the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences in Wiesbaden!
We are happy to welcome students from all over the world to study with us for 1–2 semesters or to complete a full degree. Your new and diverse experiences enrich the community at our faculty. We also welcome visiting scholars and staff and aim for wide networks and strong partnerships. To this end, our faculty is continuously seeking opportunities to make new contacts with colleagues in research and teaching.
Follow the links below to find detailed information for exchange students, international full- and part-time students and visiting scholars and staff at our faculty:
Study program, student and staff stories, language and calender
Degree-seeking students (full- and part-time)
Exchange students
Visiting scholars and staff
FAQ Incoming
If you have any further questions, please contact us.
Professionals in social facilities are constantly in contact with people whose life has been deeply influenced by experiences in different countries and different places. At the same time, more and more organizations work across national borders. A sensitive approach to multilingualism, migration biographies, cultural differences and everyday racism is an important skill for social work professionals.
Studying abroad is a great opportunity to make important experiences for your future career. New and disconcerting experiences can spark personal development. The Faculty of Applied Social Sciences encourages its students to spend a semester at a foreign university or complete an internship abroad to encounter new work environments. To this end, we keep in mind the special challenges of an exchange for students with kids, care responsibilities, job responsibilities or other impairments.
Student and staff stories
Scholars and staff
FAQ Study Abroad
If you have any further questions, please contact us.
You are interested in international questions of social work. Migratory social work, anti-discrimination and empowerment, questions of development politics and international cooperation are exciting fields of study for you. You wondered how social work in other countries looks like. In all these cases, the “Study International” certificate program might be for you.
The “Study International” certificate program is open to students from all degree programs at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences who are interested in questions of international social work. It benefits students who would like to strengthen their knowledge and skills in areas such as diversity sensitivity, anti-racism, or international cooperation among others. The program offers:
- Studies based on students’ own interests
- High flexibility
- Additional qualification and sharpened professional profile for graduates
More about the certificate program:
Several members of the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences build a team to find strategies for and expand the internationalization of our faculty. Together, they foster international partnerships, support internationalization initiatives and projects and spread information about international activities at our faculty.
To contact the international coordinators of our faculty, write an email to: international-sw[at]
The responsible contact person will contact you with answers.
International Coordinators
Prof. Dr. Michael Klassen
Representatives of the Dean's Office
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Lang
Peter Engert, M.A.
Staff for internationalization
Claudia Preißer, M.Ed.
Aki Sakuta, M.A.
Marina Zeiß, M.A
For more information, visit the International Office website.
For more information on how to organize an internship abroad, please contact the Internship Office.