
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Kanz
Office: Building D, Room 130
Phone: +49 611-9495-1400
Email: robert.kanz(at)
Office hours: by appointment
Fields of responsibility:
- Overall management
- Development planning and target agreement
- Budget, allocation of funds, medium-term planning
- Personnel matters
- Approval of teaching assignments and tutorials
- Allocation of responsibilities
- Member of the Extended Presidium
- Chair of meetings of Faculty Council, QST (Quality of Study Conditions and Teaching)
Departmental Coordinator

Kerstin Blohm
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) (Diploma in Public Administration)
Office: Building D, Room 128
Phone: +49 (0)611-9495-1468
E-mail: kerstin.blohm(at)
Office hours Mon-Thu by appointment
Departmental Coordinator

Baerbel Ebner
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) (Diploma in Business Administration)
Office: Building D, Room 128
Phone: +49 (0)611-9495-1460
E-mail: baerbel.ebner(at)
Office hours Mon-Thu by appointment
Dean's Office Secretariat

Susanne Kipp
Office: Building D, Room 129
Phone: +49 (0) 611 9495-1617
E-mail: Susanne.Kipp(at)
available: Monday - Friday
Fields of responsibility:
- Administrative support for the Dean's Office
- Administration of student assistants (contract processing etc.)
- Procurement of all kinds at the department (IT equipment, office supplies, office equipment, furniture)
- Data protection at the department
- File system
- Allocation and administration of student lockers
- Assistance with all aspects of building management
Dean's Office Secretariat

Sabrina Vollrath
Office: Building D, Room 129
Phone: +49 (0) 611 9495-1617
E-mail: Sabrina.Vollrath(at)
Office hours Mon-Fri by appointment.
Fields of responsibility:
- Administrative support for the Dean's Office
- Organisation of room planning for all degree programmes, other events and activities FAB
- Preparation and implementation of curriculum planning/ timetabling for all degree programmes
- Collaboration on teaching assignments
- Issuing and invoicing teaching assignments
- Maternity leave matters for students at the faculty
- Assistance with all aspects of building management
Support for (re-)accreditation processes
Faculty employee

Silke Bartsch
Dipl.-Des. (FH) (Graduate designer)
Office: Building D, Room 116
Phone: +49 (0)611-9495-1402
Email: silke.bartsch(at)
available: Monday - Friday
Fields of responsibility:
- Website (Typo 3)
- photography
- Plot service
- Studios I Workplaces Architecture
- Collaboration on architecture course catalogue
- Sponsor community
You can download the organisation chart with links here.
(As at 29/06/2023 PDF 28 KB)
The Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering is located on the Kurt-Schumacher-Ring campus in Wiesbaden.
Directions and map of the Kurt-Schumacher-Ring campus
Address for visitors:
RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Architecture & Civil Engineering
Building D
Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18
65197 Wiesbaden