Questions and issues about studying

Student Advising can help you with any question or issues you have about studying. The advising sessions are always guided by your personal questions or issues.


Possible topics can be:

  • questions about switching degree programs or transferring to another university,
  • problems with learning or studying,
  • exam anxiety,
  • career doubts,
  • organizational problems,
  • questions about postgraduate studies (Master's degree) or
  • assistance in case of difficult circumstances (for example, social or family issues).

Questions about Recognizing course credits cannot be answered by central student advising. The program-specific student advising of your program can help you with credit recognition.


Studying with a Disability or Chronic Illness

If you have a chronic illness or disability, you might need special study conditions adapted to your personal situation. Make sure to contact us early on to discuss what kind of support you need while studying so that we can find a good solution.

Information platform on studying with a disability or chonic illness

Counseling Services

If you have anything that keeps you from concentrating on your studies, you can contact our Counseling Services.

More links

The Higher Education Team of Federal Employment Agency offers professional and free counseling, orientation and placement services to students, before and after graduating, information on the job market, advising on study program in relation to job market requirements, advising on further training, additional qualifications and setting up a new business.

The higher education team can help with events such as job fairs; you can download a German PDF with current events.