If you are planning a lesson on career choices or preparing a career day at school, we would be happy to help. We can come visit your class or your school or give an online presentation about career choices and choosing the right study program. We can also answer student questions at a school fair booth. We consider the individual interests of your students and prepared topic ideas.

We offer the following information and counseling options tailored to high school students:

  • Your students can visit the open house at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences or come for private or group counseling by student advising,
  • presentation or visit by student advising to your school (alternatively online),
  • counseling at your school,
  • participation of student advising team at school, job or orientation fairs.

If you are interested, please contact Ms Peruzzi.

Do you teach at a German School abroad? Are your students thinking about studying in Germany and need advising on the German higher education system? Please contact us, if you are planning a visit to Germany with your class or if we can support you with a online presentation on choosing the right study program.

Send us an email email.

The Hessen-Technikum is a 6-month STEM trial program for female high school graduates that combines STEM university lectures and internships at partner companies. If your students are interested in applying for the Hessen-Technikum, please contact Ms Meißner.