You are new at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences and you would like to meet new people? Become a buddy!
Buddy up!
Your're new at our university and in Wiesbaden? Welcome! Join our buddy program and meet new, exciting people from all over the world. Become friends with your local buddy who can help you take your first steps in a new city at your host university HSRM. Your local buddy can help you in many differents regards:
- Find your way around campus
- How to register for classes and exams
- How to use the student internet portals of our university
- Tips and advice for everyday life in Germany
- And all the fun stuff!
- Where to go and what to do in Wiesbaden
- Party and hang out together
The objective of our buddy program is to promote intercultural exchange, build friendships and help you feel good at our university. Ideally, you and your buddy will discover common interests and take part in lots of fun activities that we offer during our buddy program.
You want to get involved? Then please complete this form.
Take part in our Weltcafé
The international office, the KHG and the AStA have introduced the Weltcafé. International students, student refugees as well as German students of the RheinMain University are meeting once a week in a pleasant atmosphere in Wiesbaden and Rüsselsheim. The objective of the Weltcafé is to promote an intercultural exchange. Students can get to know each other and possibly help each other learning German or just sit down an chat. There are different possibilites of how to take part in our Weltcafé:
1. Just stop by!
Just stop by at our Weltcafé and get to know other students in a pleasant atmosphere.
No registration required.
2. Get involved!
As a student of the RheinMain university you have the possibility to participate in the planning of our Weltcafé. You have ideas for content or program (e.g. board games, speeches etc.) and you want to support us with the organization of the Weltcafé? We are always looking for creative minds! Just send us an e-mail!
3. Get involved and receive credit points!
If you want to get involved by helping refugees and receive credit points at the same time by participating in the project "Do it! German with refugees". This project is organized by the Competence & Career Center (CCC) of the RheinMain university. You have the possibility to contribute to the organization of the Weltcafé.
When does the Weltcafé take place?
Wiesbaden: dates and times will be posted soon, Campus Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, Building A, Room 112, Foyer
Rüsselsheim: dates and times will be posted soon, Am Brückweg 26, room of the student representatives, Building D