
Master of Science

HSRM offers over 70 degree programs at five faculties:

All degree programs

The degree programme will be discontinued. Enrolments are no longer possible.

What is it?

Working in research and development departments, but also in companies, which use the advances in digitization as an opportunity to restructure work processes and product portfolios, requires a combination of expertise and creativity. The same is true for the application of mathematics in these areas: standard solutions to certain problems must be adapted or enhanced, which requires sound knowledge of the theoretical principles of a method or process. In order to recognize, evaluate and implement the application potential of a mathematical method in a new context, a broad overview of mathematical methods and professional creativity are required.

The Applied Mathematics master's degree program is designed for people who have acquired a special interest in mathematics and its applications in a bachelor's degree program, and who would like to acquire the qualifications for a profession with the characteristics mentioned above. The courses of the degree program offer the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge in the following areas through a varied range of elective subjects, according to the students’ personal interests and professional goals:

  • Modelling mechanical and dynamic systems,
  • Financial mathematics and data mining,
  • Algebra and geometry,
  • Mathematical methods in natural sciences and engineering

The degree program places particular emphasis on the use of software tools for analysis and modelling, as well as the further development of students’ programming skills.

What can I do with it?

A master’s degree offers a wide range of future-proof career prospects regardless of the economic situation, such as

  • in research and development departments,
  • in the automotive and aerospace industries,
  • in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and electrical industries,
  • in logistics companies,
  • in banks and insurance companies,
  • in management consulting,
  • in public service,
  • in software development.

A master's degree qualifies graduates for management positions in research, development, and planning departments. As mathematical methods and algorithms are becoming increasingly important for the success of a company, graduates of this master’s degree program will have excellent career prospects.

For degree-seeking students: detailed information on admission requirements, application deadlines, etc. can be found on the German page.

Key facts

Study location

Rüsselsheim Campus

Standard period of study

4 semesters

Main language of instruction

German - We offer courses in English for exchange students.

Accreditation agency


Commencement of studies

Winter and summer semester


Our i-Punkt at the Kurt-Schumacher-Ring Campus is there to answer all your questions about studying and applying.

You can contact Professor Claas Becker directly for further information.