The laboratory for process engineering is used for the following fields:

Exhaust air purification

The field includes classic end-of-pipe methods of exhaust air purification, with a focus on biological exhaust air purification. In addition, issues from the fields of environmental measurement technology such as emission/immission measurement technology are addressed as well as the analysis of material flows and the development of new resource-saving and emission-reducing processes.

Research projects and experiments using pilot installations on a semi-industrial scale are carried out in the following fields:

  • Thermal and catalytic exhaust air treatment
  • Biological exhaust air treatment
  • Optimization of exhaust air purification plants

Contact: Professor Franjo Sabo

Wastewater treatment

The field includes conventional methods of wastewater treatment and the introduction of innovative sanitation concepts. The main focus is on the optimization of industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants in terms of process engineering and energy consumption.

Topics and research projects:

  • Optimization of wastewater treatment plants in terms of process engineering and energy consumption
  • Biological wastewater treatment
  • Innovative sanitation concepts
  • Physical-chemical wastewater treatment
  • Carrying out experiments using pilot installations on a semi-industrial and laboratory scale

Contact: Professor Jutta Kerpen

Bioprocess Engineering

The field includes issues related to biotechnological methods, in particular biogas production and soil decontamination.

Together with the fields of waste treatment, wastewater treatment and exhaust air treatment, integrated concepts for wastewater, exhaust air and waste treatment are developed.

Contact: Prof. Jörg Bader


EmiStop – Identification und Reduction of microplastics in industrial wastewater


Laboratory work is carried out as part of the advanced courses of the bachelor's degree program in Environmental Engineering and the master's degree program in Biological and Environmental Technology. Pilot installations on a laboratory scale and semi-industrial scale and various measurement techniques are used for research projects.


Professor Dr. Jörg Bader

Professor Dr. Jutta Kerpen

Professor Dr. Franjo Sabo

Professor Dr. Ulrike Stadtmüller

Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Megraw, instructor

Dipl.-Ing. Andrea Hagena, graduate research assistant
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Prediger, graduate research assistant
Felix Steinfeld, M. Eng., graduate research assistant
Ludowika Kattner, M.Eng., graduate research assistant