Gender dimensions in the history and historical research of social work

The conference from February 22 to 24 in Wiesbaden is dedicated to “Gender dimensions in history and historical research of social work” in various lectures and panels.

The three-day-conference will discuss the significance of gender as a category for the (self-)positioning and the mobility of persons working in social work in society and throughout history. The program aims to use gender-theoretically informed perspectives to present the history and historical research of social work in a more complex, more interesting and also more controversial manner.

The panels and lectures of the conference will deal (from a transnational perspective) with questions of social, gender and societal history, the history of the various tasks and fields of social work and, related to this, the construction of its addressees and the underlying interpretations of problems. In addition, the history of the profession and training as well as the – quite controversial – history of theories, practices and policies of social work.

The sphere of the discursive is just as much a subject of discussion as concrete historical processes, places, institutions and stakeholders. Last but not least, the conference will discuss questions of historical representation, the transmission and communication of historical knowledge and experience.

Date: Thursday, 22 Feb 2024, 1:30 p.m. (Welcome reception)

Location: Hochschule RheinMain, Kurt-Schumacher-Ring Campus , Building A (Foyer/Audimax), Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18, 65197 Wiesbaden

Language: German

Registrations opens on 01 Nov 2023. Registration ends on 01 Feb 2024. The conference fee is EUR 50, for students and unemployed persons EUR 25.

Program and registration (PDF, in German)