How much does it cost to study in Germany?
RheinMain University of Applied Sciences does not charge tuition fees – not even for international students! All students pay a semesterly fee that includes fees for the use of public transportation and social services.
As of 1 August 2022, you must present proof of at least EUR 934 per month (from the winter semester 2024/25 this amount will increase to EUR 992) for your residence title according to § 16 Residence Act .
You can expect the following monthly costs, though these are only estimates. Actual costs vary individually.
- Semester fees (incl. ticket for public transportation). The fees are about EUR 315.
- Monthly rent: EUR 350 to 700
- Health insurance: about EUR 120
- Food: about EUR 200
- Books and learning materials
- Phone/Wi-fi
- Sport, culture, leisure
The DAAD offers more information about living costs in Germany and tips on how to save money. The website of the Deutsche Studierendenwerk can also be useful. Take a look at the info video of the Deutsche Studierendenwerk on the right.
Scholarships are an excellent way to help pay for your studies. With a good grade average and extracurricular engagement, international students can apply for a scholarship.
Various public and private bodies such as political or religious foundations that offer scholarships for international students. Requirements may vary, but in general, scholarships sponsors look for stand-out academic performance and/or social, political or religious commitment. Research the various scholarship opportunities to find the scholarship that is right for you. It’s worth it!
Germany Scholarship
STIBET Graduation Grant
Information of the AStA
Work permit for international students
Students from non-EU countries with a residence permit according to Section 16 Residence Act must adhere to certain regulations regarding work during their studies.
Non-EU students are allowed to work 120 full days or 240 half days annually, counting voluntary internships.
Mandatory internships required by the curriculum are exempt. To this end, students must present certain documents such as a valid passport, a certificate from the university and an internship contract to the foreigners’ registration office.
Student part-time jobs may be held without time restrictions as long as they are related to the student’s studies. Study-supporting employment is permitted for up to 20 hours per week if the employment agency agrees.
Participants in language courses or the Studienkolleg (preparatory course) are subject to particularly strict regulations, as they are only allowed to work during semester break in the first year of study preparation and require the approval of the Foreigners’ Registration Office and the Employment Agency.
You can find further information on the website of the DAAD or at Makt-It-In-Germany.
Students from the EU, the EEA and students from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland have equal status to Germans in the labor market and may work without a permit. However, working hours during the semester should not exceed 20 hours per week. If the monthly income exceeds EUR 450, social security contributions must be paid. Students from Switzerland should enquire about the exact regulations at the relevant foreigners’ authority.
Where can I find a job?
- Search for part-time jobs on job portals:
Studierendenwerk Frankfurt
Jobportal der HSRM - Check the notice boards at HSRM or in supermarkets. You can also use the boards to post your own offer (e.g., piano lessons, language lessons, tutoring)
- Check the advertising sections of regional and local newspapers, such as the Wiesbadener Kurier, Wiesbadener Tagblatt, Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz, Main-Spitze/Rüsselsheimer Echo or newspapers from Frankfurt.
- You could send an unsolicited application to your chosen company to ask if they have any jobs for students.
Further useful tips
You can also use the counseling services of the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt for questions about financing, BAföG or counseling options in the event of financial trouble or emergencies!
The KHG Frankfurt (Catholic University Community Frankfurt) is responsible for the campuses in Wiesbaden and offers international students, regardless of their religion, social counseling and financial support in emergency situations.
The KHG Darmstadt (Catholic University Community Darmstadt) offers the same services for our Rüsselheim location.
The ESG Frankfurt (Protestant Student Community Frankfurt) offers international students, regardless of their religion, general advice and possible financial support in emergency situations.
Participate in the events and offers of our CCC (Competence & Career Center)!
Büro für Internationales

International Students and Prospective Students
Katharina Kampe
Email: welcome(at)
Telephone: +49 (0) 611-9495 1527