IKK Advanced Seminar: International Online Collaboration - Identity & Spaces (S)


Monday, Nov. 11th 2024, 17:00-19:00
Wednesday, Nov 13th 2024, 17.30-19:30
Monday, Nov 18th 2024, 17:00-19:00
Wednesday, Nov 20th 2024, 17:30-19:30
Individual preparation and feedback – Send interview questions before interview ! 2h
Individual interview meeting between Nov 20th, 2024 – December 1st, 2024 2h
Wednesday, Dec 4th 2024, 17:30-19:30
Wednesday, Dec 11th 2024, 17:30-19:30


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1 CP


Ab 01. Oktober 2024 über Stud.IP.


Nadine Scholz and Rebeccah Dawson, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of Kentucky, USA


In this advanced course on intercultural competence, we will work on "Identity in the USA and Germany" and its connection to different "places", both physical and emotional. Using theoretical foundations and practical examples, we will examine how identity is constructed and perceived in different cultural contexts.
A central component of the course is a joint COIL (collaborative online international learning) project with the University of Kentucky, USA. Students will have the opportunity to interview each other to develop a deeper understanding of each other's cultures and individual experiences of identity.
Classes will be conducted entirely online and in German and English, and entirely in English if there are exchange students in the group. If you would like to join the course but have not yet completed the foundation course, please contact nadine.scholz@hs-rm.de for registration.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the concepts of identity and space in different cultural contexts
  • Develop intercultural communication skills through practical interviews and collaboration with international fellow students
  • Reflecting on one's own cultural identity and the factors that influence it
  • Develop critical thinking skills by analyzing and discussing intercultural issues

The course combines various teaching methods, including:

  • Interactive lectures
  • Group work and discussions
  • Practical interviews and reflection
  • Online self-study parts